
SO YOUNG 致我們終將逝去的青春

Actress/French vineyard owner turned film director Vicki Zhao's debut directorial hasn't really led to any disappointment and to recollect the lost youth memories of many others which are gradually fading away especially those who have been through their campus life. Based on the best-selling novel of the same name <To Our Youth is Fading Away> by Xin Yiwu and the film's English title alludes to the song <So Young> by the British alternative rock band Suede from their self-titled album. In addition to the novel, the film was based in part by Zhao's own personal college experience in the 90's. <So Young> reminded us of the previous Taiwanese film <You Are The Apple Of My Eye> of college life where friends loses it grip once it leaves the campus to the real but cruel living world. Both films are the dedication for those who were born in the 70's and early 80's and had the similar youth and a memory to share. The movie has definitely  drawn an involving portrait of love, friendship, ambition and broken dreams among a group of university students in the late 80's China. The film goes through different stages of youth played by the same cast in each character but when the film flashes forward several years to pick up the characters in the big city, it seem rushed and fabricated and with none of the earlier dramatic traction. Perhaps, Zhao may need another 40 minutes to go through more of her personal's experience and create a more persuasive plots development. Nevertheless, it is good to have another homage for those been through that dilemma era and for Zhao's debut directorial, she has done more than she could have. Fan's of Faye Wong who is also a close friend of Zhao lend a helping hand in singing the theme song when the credit rolls. Do stay on a little longer before you leave the theater.

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