
PRADA SS2024 DAYS OF PRADA Women & Men's Advertising Campaign

rada SS2024 W
omen & Men's Advertising Campaign entitled <Days of Prada> signals a reassertion of timeless priorities. Fashion is about clothes, within life, encapsulated in the living procession of the fashion show. Here, the narrative of that typically transient moment is amplified, extended for an entire season.

This campaign utilizes Miuccia Prada and Raf Simons’ September runway presentation as a catalyst for an exploration of the ecosystem of the fashion show, its complex plurality simultaneously expressive of individuality and community, the momentary and the eternal. The medium becomes the message – part of a constant search for answers to fundamental questions, around the role of fashion in our everyday lives.

A sequence of honest and pure portraits by Willy Vanderperre, poised between spontaneous intimacy and elegant formalism, encapsulates the personae of each model of the show, 40 in total. Comprising both known and new faces, every woman is championed, afforded space and agency in singular portraits – a focus placed on her, and her clothes, addressing ever-transforming notions of femininity.

Amplifying a dichotomy between the notion of the singular and the collective, these portraits are at once individual and part of a larger body of work. They reflect both the procession of the fashion show itself, and a wider dialogue with fashion as both badge of belonging and marker of personality. Prada reminds us that the profession of fashion is a collective one.

Equally, cinema is both a collective endeavor and an individual exercise, actors prized for their innate and unique abilities. Continuing a lineage of Hollywood actors embodying the Prada man, three internationally acclaimed actors and creatives are showcased: Harris Dickinson, Kelvin Harrison Jr. and Troye Sivan. Here, their personal characters are celebrated – the roles they play are themselves. Protagonists of their own narratives, they are here framed alongside one other.


Hermès 2024 Home Collection

Hermès’ 2024 home collections invites you to step out of time while keeping your feet on the ground and to create a dialogue between roots and movement, between materials and know-how.

During the recent Milan Design Week 2024, Hermès presented its new collections in tandem with pieces from its heritage. This pairing plays on temporal ambiguity, demonstrating that Hermès objects are unaffected by time and passing trends.

Following a route on the theme of the ground, evoking our relationship with the world around us, the eye is drawn to a composition of raw materials – brick, stone, slate, wood and compacted earth depicting a jockey’s silk jersey.  A powerful symbol of the house’s cultural heritage, the jockey silk with colourful geometric motifs is an inspiration for leather goods and textiles. Buckets, baskets and table centre pieces in leather are given form by highly skilled saddler-leatherworkers.

Virtuoso craftsmanship is also apparent on blankets in subtle, graduated shades and on large cashmere bedspreads in new sizes, enhanced with graphic lines which are woven, dyed, tailored or quilted and embroidered.

The shape of the new Diapason d’Hermès lounge chair in leather and hammered aluminium is radical and elegant. Ethereal lamps inspired by the codes of equestrian vaulting and the delicate strokes of the Tressages équestres dinner service are the embodiment of lightness and refinement. All of which confirms Hermès’ original spirit of combining excellence with craftsmanship.




充满色彩和活力的 EMPORIO ARMANI SUSTAINABILITY VALUES 2024春夏别註系列要你自然悄然步入沥青丛林,为你打造百搭和易于陪衬的的衣橱。彩虹的色调洋溢著热带风情,同时要你型格地穿搭以花朵和动物图案,融入微妙的北国风光,邂逅具有生态美学的自然色系和大地色系;辅以蓝色与明快番石榴、蝴蝶和红鹳色调,踏入都市狩猎之旅与自然奇境,让你焕然一“身”,穿搭不再一成不变。

此系列采用有机或可回收材料打造,符合品牌可持续发展战略理念以及对材料和工艺的可持续性加以规范的协定。女装系列的宽松工装长裤、水洗牛仔裤、衬衫、超大号飞行员外套及衬衫式外套,轻柔围裹身体;亦有令人耳目一新的透明设计和轻撩感官的小巧单品,如露脐装、短裤 、连身裤和短款半裙,极致展现线条。

美洲虎图案延展于服装和配饰,凸显野性之美。装饰衬衫、运动衫和短裤上的动物印花,以及印于“Welcome to the jungle”字样亦轻松俘获视线。男装系列有军装外套、大口袋无袖外套、百慕达短裤和宽松长裤,而水洗牛仔裤为本季亮点之作。运动鞋、凉鞋、头巾和都市狩猎帽则点亮整体造型。

由 FAUSTO PUGLISI 率领的 ROBERTO CAVALLI 没有让刚刚已故的 ROBERTO CAVALLI 先生同名品牌失望,为 2024 年春夏设计的女装《PARADISE》天堂系列带你游历蔚蓝的SAINT-TROPEZ 海岸,在日落时分向世界高呼“JE M'EN FOUS”- 我不在乎,自由自在,无拘无束地去自我放纵,乐在其中。

系列设计夺目耀眼,尽显ROBERTO CAVALLI 野性贪玩的奢华风格。精美的雪纺长袍充满了羽毛风格的设计,无论是不对称缝边的火焰剪裁还是CAVALLI 的全新羽毛印花,由淡紫色的小闪光或红色、粉色、白色和石灰色调的手绘羽毛,纯熟的工艺,令人赞叹。


融合前人的传奇与 KIM JONES 自身的经历,创造他在 DIOR 的五周年系列及DIOR HOMME 2024春夏男装时装展。系列设计一如既往以品牌的核心为出发点,运用最高级的布料、巧妙的线条设计、独特的外形、和超凡工艺为此系列赢得业界赞美和认同的口碑。灵感源于女士服装承传的时装文化,应用于男装系列,并首次结集众多设计团体们想致敬的 DIOR 前人和朝代的成果。从YVES SAINT LAURENT 时代的款式到 GIANFRANCO FERRÉ 的刺绣,以至 DIOR 先生的圆形宝石到MARC BOHAN 的质感,结合前人成果与流行经典元素,塑造「HOMMES FLEURS」(男士花朵),同时呈现传统和叛逆:从柔美到阳刚、沙龙到街头、NEW LOOK 到新浪潮,特别是CANNAGE藤格纹图案,它们以质感、精湛工艺与 DIOR 的流行经典元素贯穿,成为更现代化的结晶。

YVES SAINT LAURENT 的剪裁再一次融入男装世界,特别是来自他于 1959 年创作的系列特色:份量感、开衩、皱褶和领口设计。这些特色无声地融入休闲男士西装、夏季经典服装与防尘大褛。YVES SAINT LAURENT 的款式外形是是次夏季系列的重要灵感来源,经重新设计和演绎,成为本季的主要造型。传统男装结合男性的阳刚与女性的柔美,英国的剪裁传统和物料与高级时装 TAILEUR套装碰撞出新火花,在男士服装中流露女士服装的布艺传统,呈现出清新、玩味时尚、实用而悠闲的感觉。传统与流行元素的相遇,令每款作品皆展现出糅合正式与休闲的质感,兼具奢华与实用。HARRINGTON 束腰外套、POLO 恤、圆领及开襟衫等简约的基本男装款式,透过 DIOR 的经典工艺和元素:斜纹软呢、刺绣和 CANNAGE 藤格纹图案,将平凡化作不平凡,缔造出经得起时间考验的款式。

与此同时,多款手袋推出不同外形、颜色和质感选择:鲜艳的萤光颜色 SADDLE、干邑色 CANNAGE 藤格纹图案书包、实用斜纹软呢背囊,以及皮革 SANDWICH 卷袋,从奢华到低调,一应俱全。鞋履则以 1995 年诞生的 LADY DIOR 手袋为灵感,在厚底乐福鞋和凉鞋上缀饰全新圆形标志,刻意配合新浪潮风格。STEPHEN JONES 重新诠释了时装界新浪潮的软帽 -「自由之帽」。徽章以「绒花」取代,借镜中国唐朝 (618-907) 以丝绒制作的精美花朵。绒花大师与 DIOR ATELIER 紧密合作,为系列创作出新的配色,重新演绎传统技艺,呈现现代典雅风格,玩出摩登玩味的 PLAYFUL MODERNITY。


Manolo Blahnik Presents The Summer 2024 Collection

Manolo Blahnik presents the summer 2024 collection 
enduring inspirations of art and architecture. Embellishments take the spotlight once again with jewels, bows, buckles and buttons as the characteristically joyful finishing touches. From Blahnik’s hand-painted prints to the finest textiles and extraordinary techniques, creativity and craftsmanship remain at the heart of it all.

Manolo Blahnik has always been a master of both form and fabric. This season, modernist architecture finds new expressions in stark styles with graphic crisscrossing, undulating curves and a sculptural new heel.

Blahnik plays with absence and presence through colourful accents and cut outs on some, whilst natural rattan lends depth and relief to structural others.

An expert eye for embellishment plays this season with accoutrements reinterpreted from the gothic and belle epoque periods. Droplet-shaped glass stones, brilliant baguette buckles and butter-soft bows grace the elegant styles here. Blahnik hand-painted a botanical print for Summer’s Hangisi and further florals come in through a dramatic rose lace.

Blahnik’s lasting interest in dance first began in childhood when he discovered Les Ballets Russes through a book in his mother’s library. Exquisite costumes from the 1913 production of Nijinsky’s The Rite of Spring inspired a series of styles with evocative swirls and feather-light straps. A primary colour palette and block-toe shapes balance the tradition with a contemporary feel.

Classics are given a characteristically ‘Manolo’ twist this season with a new croc-effect calf material offered in soft and vivid tones. The love-forever Hangisi is offered in two muted, feminine shades whilst the Maysale family expands across flats, mules and pumps. An elegant new bridal edit offers styles in satin, lace and leather adorned with graceful bows and sparkling buckles.

Craftsmanship brings the Summer 2024 collection to life, shining through in structural silhouettes, remarkable embellishments and elevated classics. Manolo Blahnik takes inspirations across art and architecture and adds his inimitable creative touch for a season that’s not to miss.


EMPORIO ARMANI Introduces The Armani Sustainability Values SS2024 Capsule Collection

EMPORIO ARMANI Introduces The Armani Sustainability Values SS2024 Capsule Collection with the inspiration of tropical iridescence and the creeping of vibrant nature into the asphalt jungle.

This easy-to-wear modular wardrobe designed for an urban safari or life in contact with the elements. Flowers, animal motifs and boreal nuances meet a mimetic palette of natural and muddy tones with hints of blue and acidic notes of guava, butterfly and flamingo.

For women, the body is lightly grazed by the generous volumes of cargo trousers or washed denim, shirts, oversized bomber jackets and shirt jackets or revealed by sudden transparencies and small sensual pieces such as crop tops, shorts, jumpsuits and short skirts. The animal jaguar motif extends across clothes and accessories to emphasize the inspiration of wild nature.

The men's selection presents a relaxed image: field jackets, sleeveless jackets with large pockets, Bermuda shorts and voluminous trousers.

Washed denim is the defining presence along with 
animal prints on shirts, sweatshirts and Bermuda shorts and the slogan Welcome to the jungle on sweatshirts, t-shirts and pullovers.

Looks are completed by trainers, sandals, bandanas and urban safari hats. Materials are organic or recycled, in line with the group's sustainability strategy and the ASV protocol that defines sustainability requirements for materials and processes.