mylifestylenews is a micro web mag based in Melbourne/Hong Kong/Paris/Dubai, by delivering authoritative up-to-date international luxury lifestyle, hotel & travel, wine & dine, fashion, art & culture related events is the fruit of our passion. Founded in 2011, mylifestylenews is an intimate and collaborative site created for global audiences who enjoy following the adventure of latest trends and events around the world.
Dior Presents The New Plan de Paris Line From AW2023 Collection
Ying Jee Club Presents Classic Mini Egg Custard Mooncakes
Available for pick up from 15 to 28 September 2023, these delectable mooncakes are the perfect way to celebrate the festival with family and friends. For purchase more than 20 boxes can enjoy a special price of HK$388 per box, while those who buy 10 to 19 boxes can enjoy a price of HK$418 per box. Starting from 1 September 2023, the mooncakes will be priced at HK$468 per box. For further information, please contact the restaurant at 2801 6882.
盛夏接近尾声,某些和大自然打上交道的时尚品牌时刻融合环境,对号入座。来得及在换季前赶接夏天尾班车,在夏季促销血拼下,可能还可以捡个漏,心头好得手話咁易。Michael Kors 2023 春夏系列游走城市与度假胜地,将Urban Resort的时尚概念拉近,集结城市的奢华时尚与悠闲的生活态度,将城市的时尚与度假胜地的绿色植物并列,要你置身于繁华都市的绿洲,仿如度假胜地,城市度假,顾名思义,平衡都会的严谨快速与休闲的度假魅力,两全其美地展示都市与自然的融合。
系列选用了大量的白色、裸色,柔软的长衫、露指凉鞋等,一一皆是在度假时会选择的穿着元素,完美混合了你在城市环境中需要的俐落剪裁、舒适而不失焦点 。从裙装、长衫到剪裁精致得体的西装外套等,清爽的白色、黑色印花、热带石灰和大胆的罂粟色与珍珠、银色、沙丘和金色,将柔和色调搭配地相得益彰。浪漫的流苏、亮片和丝质面料为整体服装轮阔加入了动感和和随性氛围,其中也加入了建筑风格的金属配饰,让整体造型在都会摩登及休闲中取得完美调和。
起伏的山峦犹如弥漫着诱人的魔法,吸引你徐徐靠近,让身躯浸没在神秘的力量中。黄沙乱舞,山鸣谷应,日影在地平线上冉冉爬升,美不胜收的风光在眼前层层铺展,教你神往不已。赋有诗意的Hermès 爱马仕2023年春夏女装系列牵引的流动不仅只是风景,在四方八面皆上演着蜕变:色彩自景物中汨汨流淌,映照粼粼金光,骄阳般的褐红、硫磺般的赭黄,恍如川流不息。披上精心挑选的衣裳,内心祈求踏实丰盛的感觉,让赭黄、玄黑、沙黄和棕红轻拥身躯,仿佛前来寻找临时的归宿,只为于黄沙中起舞;在晨曦中,穿上轻柔的粉红,只想留往微凉的暮色,漾然回归大自然的怀抱。
日与夜的交替,衍生了MARNI 2023春夏系列。品牌秉持多元的创新精神,通过严谨而极具颠覆性的审美语言,带来个性满满的设计。每个日落皆为日出,正因太阳从未真正在“某处”落下,而是在不同的时空继续前行。正如彩虹,无法追逐、正如列车,若要赶乘,唯有等待、正如回忆,忆如潮水,亦逐渐消退、正如未来,漫步而来,悄然现身。因而,日落并非属于太阳的一种现象,发生在地平线上,而是身体的现象,燃点天际的火焰。日落与否,取决于观赏的人,如果你在对的时间对的地点出现,便能创造日落。但,如要天时地利永伴身侧,那便需永不止步。倘若恰逢日落雨霁,坐盼天虹,尝试创造众人同行的旅途。正如日落,正如彩虹,正如未来,没有你,一切都不会发生。
这深奥的时尚对话,你未必能董洞悉天机,但明者会明。品牌代表着一种玩趣精神,坚持友善的人文主义价值观,在材质和色彩方面进行大胆尝试,对于印花图案混搭和廓形也独具天赋。 MARNI的美学概念充分映射创意总监Francesco Risso的设计理念,古灵精怪而优雅的气质代表着无尽可能,是对理想的向往,是对前卫生活方式的探索。这种精神内核驱动MARNI与艺术世界的持续对话,时刻在设计系列中充分展现。
CAPELLA SYDNEY - Dream A Little Dream Comes True
Centrally located in a beguiling landmark and a hallmark building that occupies an entire block off Farrer Place, this latest luxury addition is situated on Bridge Street, just a short walk from the harbour and forms part of the historic sandstone precinct buildings clustered around the Circular Quay waterfront. This may not be what you’d expect to find in bustling Sydney, even if, being familiar with the Capella hotel group portfolio, you’ve prepared yourself for something different - exuberant, austere or something in between, but above all modern - chances are Capella Sydney will give you a bit of a jolt.
The former heritage listed 1912 Edwardian style Department of Education building on Bridge Street is now the luxury accommodation of Capella Sydney which is probably a once-in-a-generation project that has revived the story of an important local historical figure. Capella Sydney has gone through a painstaking transformation after an extensive multi-million dollar renovation over 7 years. As a new pillar of the Sydney heritage hotel scene, Capella Sydney is the latest to add to the city’s luxurious accommodation, transforming a historic building into an urban oasis. Yes, they are multiple types of marble and pillars, and is unquestionably an Australian hostelry with a distinct POV of its own that’s expressed in myriad ways, but is firmly entrenched in the city’s sandstone precinct that has its roots in historical Sydney.
If the walls could talk, they would tell a tale of notoriety and prestige. The opulent Capella Sydney continues to welcome the domestic and international elites since its opening in March 2023. To celebrate the noble beauty that has been refined with a modern touch, the arrival experience takes your breath away and what lies within has a new story to tell in tandem with keeping so many historical flourishes that have been lovingly restored because they should be given a new lease of life and enjoyed by a new generation of culturally curious guests.
While at the same time creating one of the most beautifully renovated buildings in Sydney as of 2023 - the facade is Unesco protected no less! In the mesh of traditional and current aesthetic elements, style collaborates with design to give a fresh new look. The meticulous restoration and re-imagining has been done in partnership with Make Architects and they have created light and airy interiors that dispose of that old-fashioned fussiness to create a youthful vibe, cast in a warm palette and suffused with natural light. There is a genuine warmth to this sensitive renovation and comfort and style with great design dominates the interior of Capella Sydney that is exactly what the brand has in spades.
The facade is especially photogenic, it is undoubtedly chic and with a great sophisticated charm here. The lobby is elegant and chic with dimmed lighting that suits the cozy mood and ambience.
Being a new edition for the Capella brand it is in a class of its own. Capella Sydney has put the country on the map for a new luxury-accommodation tourism market, as it excels at this prime and alluring location in a neighbourhood that is never short of charm.
The privilege to be welcomed as their guest is to discover hidden gems and insider knowledge and there is no shame in asking the friendly Culturists about the historical re-installment by “testing” their knowledge to discover the unknown - as everyone has their own story to tell - and to possibly inspire you or brighten your horizon.
Jonathan Fambart, the hotel’s Chief Culturist has more than the off-the-beaten-track insight of this vibrant city for you to explore. Bespoke Capella history journey experiences such as local culture tours and adventures, and architecture walk are designed and curated to enjoy at a leisurely pace, giving you more time to discover the captivating cultural experiences so that you can truly be immersed in the memorable destinations.
While the rooms on levels one to six are in the heritage-listed part of the building - all connected by lifts and the magnificent original marble staircases with iron scroll work balustrades, the rooms on levels seven to eleven are in the new build that sits on top of the 1912 original.
We were upgraded and assigned a Skyline Suite on level seven with a view overlooking the urban flow and skyscrapers on Bent Street. The aesthetic is sleek and uncluttered, the 77sqm Skyline Suite is significant in size and style, separates the bedroom and living area and is beautifully detailed and designed to celebrate the building’s heritage.
The indulgent accommodation features elegant furnishings and modern amenities with modern and intuitive technology that has been used inventively throughout and allows you to control lighting that has “art light” to highlight the gorgeous works or “bed light” for a more mellow mood together with multi-layered curtains and temperature. From the touch of the provided tablet next to the bed, 24-hour in-room dining and other useful information is just a touch away. Not forgetting the curated mini-bar with locally sourced products that comes complimentary with all the non-alcoholic beverages.
The modern touches and comforts allows you to curl up in the comfort of the heavenly bed and Frette sheets before tomorrow brings another grand experience and soak up the city skyline from the giant king bed without the worry of preying eyes. Experience the epitome of luxury and be immersed in the history and culture of Capella Sydney as you experience unforgettable moments, inaccessible to the ordinary traveller of this sanctuary in the bustling city. Housekeeping arrives twice daily and does an impeccable job and ensures there is heaps of hygge in returning to this cocooned comfort, a cozy contentment of some sort.
Otherwise, pop your head over to The Living Room, with the daily complimentary refreshments and snacks over the cocktail hour which begins at 5pm for all in-house guests.
Breakfast serves daily also at Brasserie 1930 which is transformed to a graceful buffet setting with a yummylicious Continental spread from local sourced produce. Hot dishes are presented on a curated menu and cooked a-la-minute and be hungry to sample the wide selections from the classic Eggs Benedict to even some Asian best such as the meatball congee. Just to name a few.
If you appreciate the dream of fulfilling, boundless wanderlust and lifelong immersive learning, Capella Sydney makes this a reality. A luxury, unique staycation journey of incomparable exploration awaits. This Capella group’s first foray outside of Asia is a triumph. The whole hotel is committed to an artistic feel and doubtless it has turned into an Instagrammer’s dream. The stunning embodiment of modern architecture and design excellence taking the benchmark for luxury down-under to new heights. Be ready to embark on an epic and boundless exploration.
Design & Decor: 5/5
Food & Beverage: 5/5
Housekeeping: 5/5
Room Amenities: 5/5
Service: 5/5
Value For Money: 5/5
Experience: 5/5