mylifestylenews is a micro web mag based in Melbourne/Hong Kong/Paris/Dubai, by delivering authoritative up-to-date international luxury lifestyle, hotel & travel, wine & dine, fashion, art & culture related events is the fruit of our passion. Founded in 2011, mylifestylenews is an intimate and collaborative site created for global audiences who enjoy following the adventure of latest trends and events around the world.
Roberto Cavalli SS24 Trunk Show @ The Starhill Kuala Lumpur
GUCCI Presents 2024 Year of The Dragon Capsule Collection
Capturing the essence of the festive season, the new story, starring actress Tian Xiwei and actor Zhou Yiran, depicts intimate portraits and scenarios that draw from the collective imagination about this joyous time of year. Celebrating love and togetherness, stills and video spotlight comforting hugs and heartfelt smiles, seemingly simple yet precious moments that weave into the tapestry of the new year traditions, connecting people and generations.
Sabato De Sarno
Bottega Veneta Presents The First Sunrise with You 2024 Lunar New Year Campaign
Bottega Veneta celebrates the Year of The Dragon by launching its Lunar New Year campaign themed The First Sunrise with You celebrates the first sunrise of the year. Starring actress Shu Qi and directed by Jess Jing Zou, the campaign shows different characters welcoming the dawn in a variety of panoramic settings.
Giorgio Armani Global Ambassador Hu Ge In 2024 Chinese New Year Capsule Collection
Hermès Presents ARCEAU Costume de Fête Inspired By Polish Folk Culture
Berluti Presents the Year of The Dragon Capsule Collection
Bell & Ross Presents The New Limited Edition of BR 05 Artline Dragon Watch
MICHAEL KORS Presents 2024 Lunar New Year Capsule Collection
With men and womenswear, the capsule includes effortlessly chic knitwear sets, dresses, casual sweater, and an exclusive dragon logo embellished metal button and garment embroidery, adding a captivating finishing touch. The leather bags are the highlights of the collection, with intricate gold dragon motifs adjourned the inner flap to bring good luck and fortune for the Lunar New Year.
Chinese actress Bridgette Qiao (Qiao Xin) and supermodel Cici Xiang (Xiang Wenjing) showcases the bold red Tribeca bag, embodying the elegance and auspiciousness of the new year.
新春新气派,时尚也展现新气息。当你还赖在床上滑手机的时候,时装品牌以陆陆续续为你打打气,推出全新的时装系列放缓迎春。其中为头班车启航的有Michael Kors 以假日为主题的2024 年春夏系列,为其作品再新更添懒庸魅力姿态,增添个人魅力。设计师独爱和钟情其品牌诞生和成立的纽约市,时装秀当天上午选址于纽约布鲁克林的多米诺公园举行, 该剧颂扬了度假的魅力,在眺望大都会的摄人魅力之时,同时要你逃离到蓝天、宜人的天气和阳光明媚日子的浪漫。
“这一季,我们要带大家去度假。这是逃离的超然快乐,这是一次迷人逃离的彻底浪漫,这是一种精致、别致的乐观主义的震撼。” 深受各界喜爱的设计师 Michael Kors 欣然说道。时装秀会场当天星光闪耀,受邀歌手艺人和跨媒介名人暗访,Blake Lively 、Halle Berry、Vanessa Hudgens、Rita Orange、Ariana Debose、Anitta等盛装熠熠出席,前排一席顿时水泄不通,打卡和被打卡者更乐于其中,为是日的时装秀前哨热切打开序幕。
与时代并进更是设计师MICHAEL KORS的不饶创业精神,深懂此理便可立足万世。世界大同,科技的通用让现时的时装秀不再让人引颈以待,炒饭更可即时热食,无需翻叮,可同时在世界每一角落一同观赏和分享盛事,乐此不疲。现场播放的时装秀体验在该品牌的社交和数字渠道上首次亮相,其中包括 MICHAELKORS-COLLECTION.COM网站为該系列的核心。全球观众还可以通过YOUTUBE、INSTAGRAM、TIKTOK、FACEBOOK、TWITTER,以及微信、微博、LINE 和KAKAO观看现场直播。
飘逸的女神连衣裙、侧斜叉半身裙和轻盈的长袍,设计师在短而长腿或柔软及拖地的廓形中捕捉到了流线型的浪漫感。高腰连衣裙提高了腰线,飘逸的雪纺和蕾丝裙子与时尚的连体衣和毛衣搭配时则拉长了身材。 彩妆色调平衡了甜瓜色、小苍兰色和天竺葵色的冰糕色调,而大胆的花卉图案和图形长颈鹿印花则增添了后现代气息。平底鞋履带来了随性的气息,而手工编织的水桶包更是向 JANE BIRKIN 的传奇风格致敬。
音乐选曲方面也不马虎,有设计师最喜欢的几首在上世纪 60 年代创造了梦幻般的多维配乐,天桥上的名模刘雯、VITTORIA CERETTI、ANOK YAI、LIYA KEBEDE、 NATASHA POLY、ASHLEY GRAHAM 、IRINA SHAYK、 MARIACARLA BOSCONO 等在田园诗般的九重葛中衬里跑道漫步,展示新春、新村、新穿的时尚新气派,为这名为《BAREFOOT GLAMOUR》 赤脚魅力的时装秀带来明媚的无限的春光气色。