
So Young 致我們終將逝去的青春 Original Soundtrack

When was the last time when you listen to a movie soundtrack that touches your aching heart? It has been a while for sure until the release of <So Young 致我們終將逝去的青春> Original Soundtrack. Not to say the last track of the entire OST <So Young 致青春> was performed by the long awaited and all time favorite Faye Wong who excelled from expectation and yet the whole OST music scores and arrangement was produced by alternative rock musician Dou Peng making this OST a most listenable one. Dou Peng's music had inserted a lot of sorrows, happiness, romance and poetic elements as directed by the debut film director Vicky Zhao with nearly most of her youth and our youth that we experienced from all level of suffering to the sweet puppy love of a teenager's growing up passage. You may not need to watch the movie before hand in order to enjoy this OST as the music's message was direct, honest and the integrity that is what moves you and takes you on a journey back to youth to find the lost sweet love. 
There were moments of silence reverie when Dou Peng's piano arrangement played through almost every track. Alternative rock band Suede's <So Young> was the only English track which also appeared in the movie also the perfect match and homage to the film as young and youth is the only way out to look back with the fondest and lost memories. Expect the unexpected, <So Young 致我們終將逝去的青春>  OST is one of the best finds in 2013

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