
The Tower 火海108

For an Asian production per se, <The Tower> have done almost what they could to draw the audience attention. The story was rather familiar to other "disaster" movies that have been made in the past years. There wasn't anything new or surprises awaits, everything was predictable, including a few plots to shed your tears away. The beginning of the movies took a little too long to introduce the main casts from different walks of life who would then be trapped in the tower for the story to develop. Kid, couples, elderly, pregnant women, sacrificing heroes, good guys and bad guys you name it......they are those familiar must-have characters in order to create more dramatic plots while fighting something against what human can't control. The CG and visual effect was rather raw and amateur but at least the sound effect complimenting the action and made the scenes and production a little more exciting. There isn't priority list of people should be saved, a life is a life and ironically, at least this film did show a little dark side from the dark control power from the rich and famous or the government. 

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