
Kary Ng @ The Present Concert

Someone once said, if you don't have an outstanding vocal and you are doing a live concert...forget it! It is a shame to show your fans and listeners for what you only got. <The Present Concert> by Kary Ng  concert CD + DVD may be not be as pleasant as you may thought. By singing your own songs and yet can't make the best out of it did show how much a recording technology can purified and master a "mute" to become a singer...opps recording artist, we mean! What's the point showing the worst of you to your beloved fans and we can't help but wonder in what kind of standard her fans to put up with their idol for such quality of performance as a professional singer? If the answer is YES, so be it by spending  money on such crappy leisure. It is really pathetic. With all due respect and no offence to Ng and her fans but We are truly sorry for those who bought ticket to the concert for the more than 2 hours ears torture. Even our favorite from Ng's《 Here We Are》live performance, she killed the song badly!! Pre recording is absolutely deceiving. With such vocal quality, don't even bother to play it more than once. OK, we admit it and did give it another try and stay on reluctantly to continue listening and hoping for the better but it led to only disappointment once more. With extremely Shaky voice and unstable voice and can't make the regular note ( not to say high note) especially on Track 3/4/5 《歸宿》,《愛你變成恨你》and 《逼得太緊》...it really was a torture, Sorry Kary, you need to work harder on your vocal for less torture listening pleasure!

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