
《The Grey》

The poster may be larger than life and you may suspect this time who is Liam Neeson to fight against with for survival but "IT"?! Don't get carried away or judge the book by its cover as it may takes you to different level of surprise. "Live or die on this day" as what the movie slogan say you may need to have the strength of love to live, that could be truth especially when you survived from a planed crash and landed on an extreme location with nothing around you but snow......and other threats that attack. You may find this film familiar from the old survival movie that based on a true story ~ <Alive> but nonetheless, this time you don't need to eat the real human's flesh, even in the film, this line were used. <The Grey> may not be the best survival film but it creates a good suspense factor for what's next to come. Have a great journey with Neeson may not be a bad idea either. At least he is capable is taking care of you, will he?!

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