
Louis Vuitton @ An Honest Statement Exhibition by Jules de Balincourt

Louis Vuitton continues to break through and innovate across boundaries at all times by presenting a solo exhibition <An Honest Statement> at Espace Louis Vuitton Hong Kong featuring paintings by the America- based French artist Jules de Balincourt. Balincourt uses his own distinctive visual language in creating new meanings for the painting medium. In the face of the current unstable global situation that demands immediate responses, and the ever-changing trends of new mediums, it seems that the many forms of expression related to painting such as Expressionism, Impressionism, Figuration, and Abstraction are utterly lost in portraying the world today.
As a new generation contemporary artist, Balincourt utilizes abstract visual language and direct societal subject matter in creating diversified visuals of content and space in his works, embedded with a contemporary view, the themes presented are able to evoke an intricate connection with the viewers, allowing them to immerse freely within. Often times different imaginations and interpretations would go on in the artist’s mind while he is in the process of creating a work. When illustrating a sport stadium, scenes of sport competitions, images of a hastily set-up refugee asylum or an arena to be under terrorist attack would appear as compositions in his thoughts. Through the combination of the real and abstract, Balincourt’s works expand the viewer’s imaginary realm into unlimited possibilities; breaking through the siege made on painting expression by the on-screen alterations in new mediums. Exhibition ends 9th Sept 2012.
“How can I just transfer this chaos into my paintings and find inner peace in me......”
 -Jules de Balincourt.

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