
BEING YOU 2024「型」春接夏廣企


要型得起,当然不能卖懒,时刻就绪装身,以“新”造型示范作则。 而时尚广告的发放,能够即时唤起你那短暂沉睡的欲望,时而热血沸腾的广企大片画面,更让视觉升华,刺激肾上腺,让购买欲倍增。 不造作,真情流露做自己,颂扬自我真实个性,优雅地型得起,做自身故事的主角。GUCCI ANCORA广企由创作总监Sabato De Sarno构想,发表其首次操刀的2024年春夏系列,强强联手和他初出道时刚投身时尚行业时首位合作的摄影师David Sims去叙述颂扬美,跨越 时尚藩篱,自我表达与隽永魅力的故事。 这位英国著名时尚摄影师的独有个人摄影风格,捕捉模特儿同步亮相的瞬间,活现虚实之间的几何视觉,透过合照聚焦她们各自配搭2024年春夏系列的独特方式,简约特显模特 儿的个性去诠释现实生活和真实女性的故事。五位新面孔Ana、Fadia、Jiahui、Nyajuok和Violet成为Gucci Ancora硬照的主角,同时穿上塑造日常优雅格调的基本服饰,展现美的多元面貌,流露自信和最自然的美感。 感性被视为展现美、自由与自信的态度,成为系列的核心主题,向每位女性发出切身的邀请︰呼召她们活出独特自在的人生,沉醉于唯有时尚方能触发的独有的 “仍然””既有”和“延续”的ancora情感。

而SANDRO的2024春夏系列广告大片再度携手Atelier Franck Durand工作室,并由造型师Joe Mckenna 和著名摄影师Chris Rhodes共同呈现。Rolf Schrader再次出镜,身着一件镂空钩针连衣裙、Achol Ayor穿上一件不对称金丝流苏连衣裙搭配标志性海军蓝风衣、Zaquei的廓形西装与米白色皮质机车夹克相碰撞、而Antoine则通过一件螺纹镂空钩针上衣为整体造型增添格调。整个系列将材质与色彩融合,并以陶瓷艺术象征品牌的创意及可塑性,来演绎与品牌紧密相连的艺术及创意世界。

和谐二字蕴藏在 Loro Piana 的品牌本质当中,秉持中庸之道:在人与自然、自身与各地文化、不同世代、原生形状与当代线条之间追求平衡。2024春夏广企由模特儿Selena Forrest、Jonas Glöer、Awar Odhiang、Rianne Von Rompaey 和徐奔锦演绎从多重感官角度描绘日本建筑和乡村景色中的平衡之美。多个线条流畅的造型、迷人又充满魅力的纹理和富活力感的简约风格,都让人联想到日本,其本质、尤其敬重手工艺的精神及对与自然世界和谐共处的追求。归根结底,日本是一种感觉、一种精神状态、一种从自然孕育而生的文化及深情的诠释。

由知名时尚摄影师Mario Sorrenti 掌镜,拍摄采用大量自然光,提升服装与环境之间的质感,并单独展示每个主题:走在街上或站在岸边、坐在田野里、倚靠在现代和传统建筑上去呼唤静态美,让人感受到与当地社区及平静祥和的环境融为一体,流畅的肢体语言,服装采用的色系和布料上纹理与外在环境的天然色彩和谐共存。



MB&F New Collaboration: M.A.D.Editions x Jean-Charles de Castelbajac

MB&F presents a double-first on the M.A.D.Editions project with the first Limited Edition and first collaboration with an external creator introducing  the M.A.D.1 ‘Time to Love’, limited to 999 pieces, created with legendary French designer Jean-Charles de Castelbajac – who has infused the M.A.D.1 with his unmistakable style.

MB&F founder Maximilian Büsser has been an admirer of the artist's pop designs for many years: “Jean-Charles de Castelbajac represents five decades of creativity. Very early on, he was able to create a unique voice and style, then over the years pivot, reinvent himself and challenge the status quo. Today, at the age of 74, his message of love and life is more than ever an example for the new generation."

JCDC has indeed never been a conventional designer, always daring to disturb, disrupt, and promote artistic chaos – he started by making clothes out of recycled materials in the 1970s, being the first to upcycle in the fashion world, before it was even a thing ! JCDC has always had a multidisciplinary approach to his work, connecting different worlds, collaborating with artists such as Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, Robert Mapplethorpe and Jean-Michel Basquiat. He is perhaps best known for his audacious creations like the teddy bear coat, his “poncho for two”, his Barack Obama dresses, and the robes he created for Pope John Paul II.

For the M.A.D.1 Time to Love, JCDC worked with his signature colors – red for passion, blue for hope, yellow for human warmth. The colourway is present on a newly-engineered rotor featuring angel wings, where one of the wings is heavier than the other two to optimize spinning. A bright green is also present and featured on the piece's hour disc; the numbers of the hour and minute rings are in Jean-Charles de Castelbajac's own handwriting.

Other details include a quote from the artist in French on the dial: “Ce trésor rare et précieux, c'est ta vie. Le temps vole de ses ailes blanches. is your life. Time flies with its white wings. You are the guardian of your time”). The crown features an engraving of an angel talking to the moon, a recurring theme in his art creations. Each timepiece comes with two straps – black and white – embroidered with 'Time to Love'.

Like with previous M.A.D.Editions, a portion of these M.A.D.1 watches will be reserved for those who have made MB&F possible: our Tribe members (owners of MB&F watches) and our Friends (suppliers) on a first come, first served basis. Half of the production will be totally open to the public, via a raffle giving access to purchasing the M.A.D.1 Time to Love.


SANDRO SS2024 Advertising Campaign

SANDRO works with Atelier Franck Durand again for its SS2024 campaign, presented together with stylist Joe Mckenna and renowned photographer Chris Rhodes.

Through the lens of Rhodes, the new campaign features the familiar face of Rolf Schrader, who poses alongside Achol Ayor, Antoine Brabant and Zaquei Mendes. Rolf appears in a crochet dress, while Achol showcases an asymmetrical lurex fringe dress paired with a signature navy trench coat.

Zaquei demonstrates a contrasting look with a structured suit and an off-white leather biker jacket, and Antoine gives his look an edgy twist with a crochet top with spiral patterns.

SANDRO’s SS2024 Collection presents a mix of textures and colours, and highlights the House's creativity and versatility through ceramic art. This inspiration will also grace the windows of SANDRO stores to celebrate the artistic and creative world closely connected to the label.


Gabriela Hearst 告别 CHLOÉ 話别離

Gabriela Hearst
告别CHLOÉ 話别

CHLOÉ 2024春夏系列完满结束,成为创意总监Gabriela Hearst的告别作,留下她为品牌写下的一封赋有诗意和唯爱环保的情书。

引用了密宗和克里亚冥想大师Alan Finger 的一道话:“意识是一个灵魂的光芒,它赋予我们意识。它就像太阳一样,给我们所知道的一切带来光明和生命。”花是意识的象征,莲花作为象征calla lily马蹄莲净化优质的精神启蒙。对于Gabriela 来说,意识是第四个系列章节,亦是实现气候成功的最后一个要素。

她过去的三个系列的内容被分为几个章节,每个章节都著重于气候解决方案:2022 年秋冬的regeneration、2023 年春夏的clean energy及2023 年秋冬季的female leadership,而最后在2024 春夏系列中探索个人行动作为环保倡导形式的力量。 

Chloé一词在希腊语中直译为young green shoot (幼绿芽),而2024的春夏系列其中的灵感来源探索了花朵的神圣几何之美,更带有精致的植物形态元素,以纯洁飘逸的轮廓为设计重点,并加以金盏花、珊瑚色和银色点缀。百合花勾勒出黑色 Plongé 裹身裙和连衣裙的弧形线条皮革,以及皮革机车包的轻微起伏的拉链开口夹克和风衣。兰花的左右对称形状、精致的弧形接缝、镂空、灯笼袖和深V金属色皮革和羊毛连衣裙的领口俏巧配合;羊毛绉纱的长身衣,以花卉的设计环绕著身躯,形成一条藤蔓般俏妙的贴身迷你裙。


品牌由 Gaby Aghion 于1952 年创立以来,一直植根于精湛技艺和自由奔放的女性气质。今季节的园艺主题也体现在Carmela 手袋的新款设计,其特点的韧性和坚固性具有脊状轮廓和金属螺柱的柱状仙人掌。Penelope手袋也以全新镶钉款式亮相,配有标志性硬币扣和皮革编织。Rebecca 系带凉鞋充满了对古希腊语的思考神话,灵感源自Karl Lagerfeld 1993 年为 Chloé 设计的时装秀,在今季以时尚风格重新诠释,致敬经典设计,传承传统工艺。

作为写给 Chloé 的情书,Gabriela借鉴Rupi Kaur 的诗歌 The Sun and Her Flowers《太阳与她的花朵》写道:“我们不是这个地方的主人,我们是她的访客。和喜欢的客人让我们像花园一样享受这个地方,宇宙为我们带来了光和种子,种植我们自己的花朵,让我们用温柔的手对待它,以至后人也能体验到这一点,让我们一起寻找属于我们自己的太阳吧。我们可能有时听不到,但音乐始终在播放,它只需要转动得更响亮。只要我们的肺里还有呼吸,我们就必须继续跳舞。”



Jolin Tsai is Maison Valentino New Brand Ambassador

Maison Valentino announced singer Jolin Tsai as its new brand ambassador, joining a community of global talents, she stars in the new Valentino L ’Ecole advertising campaign shot by Mert and Marcus in New York. Valentino Creative Director Pierpaolo Piccioli continues his quest of authenticity, inclusivity and individuality, by scouting personas, men and women, who embody the Maison values. Jolin Tsai enters the Maison’s world of values as a contemporary DI.VA. (*DI.fferent VA.lues = DIVAS. The contemporary Valentino DI.VA is a multifaceted character of codes and inner values. Pierpaolo Piccioli continues his conscious and progressive approach to create culture by forming an authentic relationship with DI.VAs, positioning them as a real cultural comeback). Her unwavering passion and dedication to music have allowed her became one of the most iconic figures in C-pop and an unreplaceable dazzling symbol on stage.

“I welcome Jolin Tsai in our Valentino Di.Va. project with the greatest pleasure. Her musical talent reverberates through her innovative and deeply inclusive approach, which is something that I always appreciate when it comes to performative arts. In her work I find a genuine freshness, a magic energy and I am always amazed by the incredible connections that music can create. Our community is enriched by a new human star.” - Pierpaolo Piccioli, Creative Director Maison Valentino. In her 25 years of music career, with a fearless commitment to pushing boundaries and embracing innovation, she has earned the prestigious title of “Queen of C-Pop” in Asia. She is an amplifier for different voices, different views and values. Breaking the conventions of the traditional regional ambassador campaigns, Valentino empowers local values through international personas that embody the vision of the Creative Director. “Creative Director Pierpaolo Piccioli aims to disrupt tradition, re-signify and bring a distinctive personality and value to each collection, much like how I approach each stage with a commitment to self-discovery and innovation. I look forward to collaborating with Pierpaolo to bring more creativity and surprises to the audience in the future.” - Brand Ambassador Jolin Tsai.




GUCCI 全新庆贺新禧的别注系列满载传统习俗和吉祥喜庆,透过男女演员周翊然和田曦薇粉墨登场,精选一身龙年别注系列的造型现身,融会品牌的经典元素和象征风调雨顺、富贵丰足的俏龙以窝心的拥抱和微笑,颂扬爱与团圆,将简朴动人的时刻揉合新年传统,连系不同世代,温馨转递吉庆满堂的节日景象。

祥龙翘首昂扬,姿态灵动,VALENTINO 2024新春红韵系列以回归传统的视角庆祝龙年,以人文关注致意中国传统之“红”,连接品牌标志性的红色美学与东方文化之灵感,延续对文化的关注,让有关“红”的美学与传统相互碰触与交融;将品牌红色美学置于东方语境中,用一脉相承的红,展现底蕴深厚的文化传承,由品牌代言人杨洋、杨紫演绎新春红韵系列,于花灯中封藏美好祝福,传递新春祝愿。新春系列将品牌经典元素皆以 Rosso 红主色调全新演绎,气势登场,从时装单品到别致鞋履、精巧配饰及经典包袋,Valentino 以 Rosso 红装点团圆时刻,不仅向传统致敬,更传达了温暖愉悦的节日气氛,将美好寓意与新年愿景温馨传递,在新的一年绽放非凡魅力。

近日电视剧作《繁花》大热,品牌乘势而上,由剧中女演员杜鹃带领,以及现于上海Pradasphere II展览上映由杨福东执导《First Spring》的短片主角赵磊粉墨登场。一系列电影风格拍摄的动人肖像,浮光跃金,艺术摄影师张家诚以深邃的色彩重塑艺术电影的氛围,在经过精心修复后于2017年重开的百年古邸「荣宅」(Prada Rong Zhai) 拍摄。男女装的别注系列包括最新的Prada Buckle和Prada Arqué,以至精巧的Re-Nylon再生尼龙或皮革版Re-Edition,以及多款以柔软皮革缝制的手袋, 庆贺甲辰龙年盈福,坚毅自信,如意登场。

由舒淇带领主演、邹静执导的Bottega  Veneta特别短片《新年的第一道光》 (The  First Sunrise with You) 延续旅行和团聚的主题,以不同的人物和背景,掠过自然风景线和城市天际线,万象生辉;最后定格在温情的团聚时刻不仅展现了旧岁与新年的更替、对开始的展望与期许更描绘出一段段为与珍视之人共度重要时刻而全力奔赴的旅程分享新春祝福和喜悦;聚焦与新年的黎明这以特殊时刻去迎接着第一道曙光的到来,铭刻心动时份,共同庆贺新年的第一场日出,展望新的一年吉祥顺意。

飞龙呈祥,Calvin Klein呈献的龙年别注系列以年轻休闲的剪裁,为日常风格添上新意,采用象征龙年的元素,将极具代表性的品牌Monogram标志与灵感源自龙年的插图巧妙融合,同时透过红、黑和彩金等大胆色调尽展非凡活力龙腾云起,充分展现龙的力量及喜庆氛围。时运由我,「红」愿成真祈愿新一年步步高升,你我神采飞扬,吉祥如意迎丰年


CHAUMET Presents Un Air de Chaumet High Jewellery Capsule Collection

Occupying a place between earth and sky, the new High Jewellery capsule Un Air de Chaumet writes a unique chapter in the story woven between Chaumet and nature over 240 years. Depicting the grace of birds with dexterity and daring, from aerial display to sky-slicing flight, the parures cast their creativity around the face, spreading their plumage from hair to bodice and gently caressing the ear. Following on from 2023’s poetic promenade Le Jardin de Chaumet, the previous High Jewellery collection, the new creations cultivate the Maison’s celebrated innovative originality. In a play on words, the collection’s name subtly evokes the notes of a melody. Attesting to the emblematic art of the line, Un Air de Chaumet is a virtuoso demonstration of the sophistication and savoir-faire associated with the Maison’s High Jewellery, expressed creatively and delicately in elementary pieces. Illuminating the purity of the artisans’ work, they convey the movement between earth and sky, bringing a sense of innate refinement to any look. With inherent lightness, transformable hair ornaments can be worn in a multitude of ways to correspond to a wide wardrobe, while brooches and earrings illuminate an allure aligning modern poetry and freedom.

Appointed by Joséphine as “official jeweller to the Empress”, the founder of the Maison, Marie-Étienne Nitot, and his son, François Regnault, shared the sovereign’s fascination with birds. The naturalistic interpretation by Chaumet of the winged world has been repeatedly reinvented over the years. The archives bear witness to this, from Jules Fossin’s studies of bird heads and legs to the peacock feathers transcribed as a transformable devant de corsage and tiara by Prosper Morel dating from around 1870. At the turn of the 20th century, the realism of Joseph Chaumet’s winged bandeau competed with the hummingbird aigrette transformable into a brooch with fil couteau mount, a Chaumet signature along with trompe-l’œil. His creations prefigure the stylised feathers in finely wrought yellow gold from the 1960s and 1970s, of which the bird perched on a pearl flowered branch and the kingfisher darting through the air are stunning examples. Conceived in four movements composed as duos, Un Air de Chaumet represents the mesmerizing magic of a bird’s flight. Playing with the possibilities of golden feathers, the parures suggest the grace of a ballet of swallows before segueing into fascinatingly ethereal aerobatics and culminating in a stunning spectacle. A veritable ode to this most precious of materials, these pieces honour the Maison’s renowned virtuosity in gold. Featuring brushed rose gold feathers alternating with diamond-set white gold, a first parure rethinks the signature Chaumet tiara. Worn as a panache in the hair, the complete motif is a testament to contemporary femininity. 

Separated from each other, the feathers sit elegantly amid a multitude of brooches, offering a new demonstration of the Maison’s prized fondness for transformability. As a hair ornament, the motif delineates a bird with a pear-shaped diamond head, Joséphine’s favourite cut. Ultra- flexible and impactful ear motifs light up the face. Portraying the aerial ballet of swallows, earrings and a hair ornament that can be transformed into one or two motifs elevate the emblematic Chaumet art of the line. Embraced by the Maison since the 19th century, this passerine has acquired a new and profoundly feminine charm. Inscribed in the tradition of nature observed from life at which Chaumet excels, nine birds light up hair with diamond plumage, their beaks and tails glowing in brightly polished rose gold. 

The fluidity of the bead setting combined with a delicate cut-down setting underlines the virtuosity of the Chaumet jewellers. Making up a unisex brooch, the swallows soar on tailored or more relaxed outfits alike. And when it swoops over the ear with its marquise-cut diamond head, the bird is more a universal symbol of happiness than ever. Captured in shimmering momentum, the bird of paradise appearing in this parure provides a fascinating display in an asymmetrical brooch and earrings. These marry Chaumet-specific boldness and movement to emphasise the modernity of the effect.

Ear studs and ornaments are designed to be worn singly or in combination around the face illuminated by feathers punctuated with bead-set diamonds in white gold and diamonds scale-set in rose gold guilloché engraved by hand. Inspired by the firebird, the plumage unfurls its flamboyance  into a brooch that is as spectacular as it is elegant. The lightness suggests flapping wings softly brushing the hair or ear. For this parure, the virtuosity of the 12 Vendôme workshops has produced a head ornament that can be transformed into a brooch that can, in turn, be divided into two motifs. Creation rhymes with ascension as the bead and scale settings, enabling a delicate overlap of the diamonds, dialogue with an illusion setting combining a bezel and claw setting. The result is an airy structure in which the stones seem almost to float. Rising from the hair, white gold plumage appears ruffled by the wind. A sense of movement boldly animates asymmetrical earrings evoking the features of a winged companion, embellished with pear-shaped diamonds.


HARRY WINSTON Premier Valentines Day Automatic 36mm

HARRY WINSTON Premier Valentines Day Automatic 36mm 
dedicates a luxurious rose gold timepiece from its Premier collection to deliver a joyous message of love for Valentine’s Day 2024. Conveying the powerful emotions of passionate love, the dial recreates the magical spectacle of a fireworks display with a medley of hearts lit up with diamonds, precious gemstones and mother-of-pearl. This exceptional limited-edition timepiece with two powerful symbols have been chosen to transmit the sensations of passionate love, interpreted with signature Harry Winston materials like mother-of-pearl and precious stones. Hearts, like a bouquet of red roses, are universally recognized as symbols of love. Fireworks are also a recurrent metaphor to describe the intense feelings associated with love. By uniting these two symbols, Harry Winston has created a dial where hearts, quite literally, burst with joy. To recreate the explosive and colorful spectacle of fireworks shooting across a night sky, the dial features a medley of hearts set on top of a silver opaline dial with white cut-out hearts. The power of love has, metaphorically speaking, forced the hearts out of their static cut-out frames, projecting them skyward like fireworks. Varying in size, color, and material, the applied hearts are placed at different heights to increase the sensation of volume. The twelve rose gold hearts sparkling with 59 brilliant-cut diamonds are set at the highest level, followed by six hearts with mother-of-pearl inlay and rubies or gold studs. Still playing with different levels, the plump cabochon pink and red hearts hover just above the silver opaline dial. To leave as much space as possible on the dial for the fireworks display of hearts, the hours and minutes are excentered and indicated by two gold hands. In honor of Mr. Winston’s favorite cut for gemstones, a generous emerald-cut diamond graces the dial at noon.


Breitling Presents Limited-Edition Chronomat 36 Victoria Beckham Collection

Breitling  unveiled the much-anticipated limited-edition Chronomat 36 Victoria Beckham collection at a star-studded dinner in Manhattan recently. The launch brought together a select list of VIPs, including the collection’s campaign star Annemary Aderibigbe, and top models including Frida Aasen, Lara Worthington, and Helena Christensen. Actor Katie Holmes was also in attendance, along with author and TV personality Derek Blasberg. Other notable attendees included Breitling ambassadors American Ballet Theatre principal dancer Misty Copeland and model Ronja Furrer. The night began with welcome aperitifs, followed by a sumptuous sit-down dinner featuring Indochine’s signature French-Vietnamese fare, followed by a night of dancing to DJ Elias Becker.

Just as coveted as the guest list was the new Chronomat 36 Victoria Beckham collection itself. Limited to just 1,500 pieces, the line effortlessly blends heritage and modernity, bringing together 140-plus years of Swiss watchmaking and Victoria Beckham’s always-on-point design style.

Powered by the Breitling Caliber 10, the Chronomat 36 Victoria Beckham collection retains classic Chronomat features including the metal rouleaux bracelet and raised rider tabs at the 15-minute marks, while introducing fresh new colorways inspired by Beckham's Spring/Summer 2024 palette: peppermint, midnight blue, dove gray, and sand.

The co-branded collection features the Victoria Beckham logo on the seconds hand and as a subtle inscription on the bracelet, with options for cases in stainless steel or yellow gold— an heirloom material revived by Breitling just for this collection. The dials also reference the limitation: “One of 400” for each of the stainless-steel pieces, and “One of 100” for each of the gold variations.

Their stunning campaign also made waves in the fashion world. Shot by legendary Italian fashion and portrait photographer Mario Sorrenti - a frequent contributor to Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar - it features rising-star model Annemary Aderibigbe. The campaign embodies the strength, sophistication, and touch of the unexpected that characterize both the archetypal Breitling and Victoria Beckham woman.

All the timepieces come in a specially designed, co-branded box. And for members of the fashion set who want something extra, a Breitling x Victoria Beckham travel pouch accompanies each piece crafted in gold. “Victoria Beckham is a brand that defines modern and quiet luxury,” noted Breitling CEO Georges Kern. “Everything is considered and elevated, but with an ease that can be worn from day to night.”

Victoria Beckham echoed his sentiments about the collaboration, revealing, “It was a real exchange. Working closely with Breitling’s expert craftsmanship and know-how and bringing in my aesthetic was exciting.” She also reflected on her personal vision for the collection: “This is the perfect watch for women who are looking for something versatile. It’s elevated and chic but still has a relaxed feel to it. The mix of masculine and feminine has always been how I like to dress myself, and I am quite a minimalist at heart.”