
GUCCI AW2016/17 Rhizomatic Scores Women Collection

GUCCI AW2016/17 Rhizomatic Scores Women Collection is to inflame change, thinking has to be “rhizomatic” (G. Deleuze, F. Guattari). It has to generate a movement able to proliferate in different directions. Rhizomatic thought has neither centre, nor orientation.

It develops disorderly. It feeds on connections, creating multiplicity through a constant change of expansion zones.

The reference is the rhizome, typical radical system of some plants, horizontally spreading through the soil. A formation on which knots graft, also generating more ramifications.

Rhizome, in fact, proceeds by variation, dilatation, conquest and capture. It feeds on nomadic interaction between different elements.

This thought shapes the Women’s AW2016/17 collection. Each dress portrays very different sign systems and knots them, following multiform and nonhierarchical directions. The collection deals with a principle of connection and heterogeneity.

A score of suggestions that mingle, modify and refer to each other flowing through unpredictable correlations of sense.

In this frame, the collection proceeds by accumulation of signs which are decontextualized, connected and reactivated beyond shared conventions. What prevails is a taste for hybridisation, for unseen and unexpected composition, for the vertigo originating from overcoming the principle of non-contradiction.

In this regard, rhizomatic reassemblage fires the heart of embers bursting beneath the ashes. A way to scratch the flat surface of the already known, and to embrace the depth of the unthought.

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