
Rod Stewart @ Time

 Timeless Singer Road Stewart return to the music scene with his latest album <TIME> seemingly telling his fans that he has still been around. Waited decades for a brand new Rod Stewart song to show up, and eleven come along all at once. His unique and expressive voice cannoth only get away with covering just about any genre of music, he can thrive commercially doing so. Rarely a 
writer who offered profound lyricism and fabulous self-deprecating humor,
 teller of tall tales and honest heartbreaker, he had an unmatched eye for
the tiny details around which lives turn, shatter, and reform and a 
voice to make those details indelible. His solo albums were defined by two
 special qualities: warmth, which was redemptive, and modesty, which was 
liberating. Yet somewhere along the way, the source of those lyrical yet direct and instantly nerve-touching narratives appeared to dry up. To the point, even, where, at the beginning of this century, Stewart could look back at his own catalogue from a bemused and baffled distance. 
As he tells it, with characteristic self-effacement, “My assumption was that I was finished as a songwriter. It had always been difficult, and then, at some point in the 1990s, my confidence took a knock and it became impossible. I was thinking too hard about what people expected from me. And I was thinking about whether I felt comfortable any more, delivering whatever it was people expected from me… I was trapped down all sorts of unhelpful mental alleys, basically. And eventually I convinced myself that I had made the best of the little bit of talent for songwriting that I had been given. But now it was over – time to move on.”

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